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Humansa to Share Insights on Longevity and Healthspan at Milken Institute Global Investors' Symposium

Humansa was invited as a panelist at the Milken Institute Global Investors Symposium held on 26 March 2024. Our CEO, Don So and AIA Hong Kong and Macau CEO, Alger Fung shared an insightful perspective on longevity and healthspan, and how to delay the onset of chronic diseases, increasing the quality of life in a session titled “Squaring the Longevity Curve: Advancing Asia by Rethinking Health and Wellness”. The goal is to maximize both healthspan and lifespan as we age, which is known as “squaring the longevity curve”.

Taking a long-term perspective on health is crucial. Just like we start saving for retirement early to benefit from compounding, addressing health from an early stage is equally important. The earlier we start, the better the outcomes.

Esteemed participants of the event also had the opportunity to explore the Humansa wellness zone. Here, they learned more about their own bodies and gained valuable insights into how they are aging. It was a fantastic opportunity to enhance their understanding of personal wellness and make informed choices for a healthier future.


Overall, the event was extremely engaging and an excellent platform to discuss the fascinating connection between longevity, healthspan, and personal well-being. It served as a reminder to prioritize our health and take proactive steps throughout our lives to achieve a fulfilling and thriving journey.